Our Engagements

    Participation with Russian Ambassador in Thailand

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) has participated in an educational enhancement program where Russian Ambassador to Thailand HE.Kiril Barsky was presided as a Chief Guest. On that event, Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) explained about Siam University IT system, innovation and other initiatives…

    CEO BD Timz Participated with Colombian Ambassador H.E. Andelfo Garcia

    BD Timz CEO participated in an educational enhancement program with Colombian Ambassador H.E. Andelfo Garcia at Siam University Campus. On that event, many issues has been discussed such as educational curriculum, university facilities, student engagements, technology integrations and collaboration between both…

    Higher Education Commissioner of Thailand

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) participated with Siam University team during a audit by the Higher Education commissioner team of Thailand. During their visit, Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) showcases mobile software development initiatives under his supervision and explain the impact of…

    Mobile Application for Nurses in Thailand

    Thailand is one of the fastest developing countries in the world today. The educational system in Thailand has been trailing in a series of auspicious developments in recent times. It has also been re-structured to challenging innovations that will spur…

    BD Timz CEO participated with National Research Council of Thailand

    On 23rd April 2015, Siam University representative MD. Jahidul Islam (Assistant Director of Information Technology) visited The National Research Council of Thailand to discuss the possible collaborations between Siam University and The National Research Council of Thailand. Honorable Petchara Sungkhaworn,…

    ICT Project participated by CEO BD Timz

    Thailand as one of the top medical tourist destinations had foreseen the need for educational modifications. Starting from the higher institution to a professional level; Siam University has gone beyond its constitutive institutional influence and initiative to conjoin with the…

    Study in Thailand Seminar with Creative IT, Dhaka

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim), CEO, Bd TiMz and representative of Kasem Bundit University in Bangladesh had attend  a seminar on 8th September 2018 at Creative IT Institute premises at Momtaz Plaza, Dhanmondi 4, Dhaka to elaborate study facilities in Thailand…

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) visited Bangladesh House in Bangkok

    On November 11 2018, Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim), CEO of BD Timz attended farewell ceremony of the Bangladesh Ambassador in Bangkok and Cambodia at Bangladesh House Bangkok along with Bangladeshi community living in Bangkok and Pattaya. Under the leadership of…

    National University of Ireland

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) invited Dr. David O’Sullivan, Director of Quality at National University of Ireland, Galway in Siam University campus. The meeting was basically held to discuss about today’s educational world, advancement of technology, globalization and impacts in education…

    Colombian Ambassador H.E. Andelfo Garcia

    It was a fruitful gathering together with the professionals of Siam University and His Excellency Ambassador H.E. Andelfo Garcia. On that session, many ideas has been shared, discussed and emphasized for productivity in education sector.

    Data Center, National research council

    Md. Jahidul Islam  visited National Research Council of Thailand to discuss possible collaborations between Siam University and The National Research Council of Thailand. Honorable Mr. Anek Bamrungkit, Director of Research Information and Data Center hosted the meeting. It was a…

    University of Danubius Romania

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) welcomes Rector of Danubius University and his team to visit library and information center. On that day, the visitors team visited various locations at Siam University and get familiar with SU’s culture and facilities for students.

    ASEAN panel discussion

    The Initiative for Information Sharing and Research Networking (ASEAN Research Repository) in Southeast Asia conceptualized in light of the significance ASEAN dream “One Vision, One identity and one community”. To address this concern, several conferences has been held. The project…

    Asian Institute of Technology

    Siam University and Asian University of Technology (AIT) top officials joined together to discuss educational development activities and possible collaborations. Presidents from both universities participated with the colleagues to boost its industry initiatives, Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) was participated on…

    Bangladesh Embassy, Bangkok

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) visited Bangladesh embassy in Bangkok to meet with Her Excellency Saida Muna Tasneem, Bangladesh Ambassador to Thailand. The gathering followed up by brief discussion about today’s world of technology, Information systems in different platforms and software…

    Deepest condolence in the loose of Honorable Dr. Vijit Supinit

    My Jahidul Islam (Jim) delivers deepest condolence in the lose of honorable former Chairman of the Bank of Thailand and Former Chairman of Thai stock exchange. Back in 2010, Late Dr. Vijit Supinit was his mentor in various areas of…

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) donated in a rural village in Thailand

    Md. Jahidul Islam has given donation to a rural school in Khanchana Buri province of Thailand. Educational equipments, food, school uniform and many other materials distributed for the kids. The school is located near by Myanmar border with stunning beauty…

    BD Timz CEO received Award in United Nation’s Day of Peace

    Md. Jahidul Islam (Jim) received an award for Best Design in United Nation’s international day of peace  held at Bangkok. On that event, various dignitaries have presided over a curtesy visit and deliberate speech on global peace and collaboration.  Each…

    Women's Entrepreneurship and Empowerment

      Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: BD Tim Z launch ShopastiQ  platform  in Dinajpur

      In a resounding celebration of women’s entrepreneurship and empowerment, Beauty Paradise by Nilu, powered by Shopastiq, a sister concern of…
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