ASEAN panel discussion

The Initiative for Information Sharing and Research Networking (ASEAN Research Repository) in Southeast Asia conceptualized in light of the significance ASEAN dream “One Vision, One identity and one community”. To address this concern, several conferences has been held. The project of information sharing (including the conferences) was supported by IRDC’s regional Office for Asia.
The first conference was held in Chiang Rai, Thailand, on 27-28 January 2014 wherein representatives of research councils from Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia actively participated. The Chiang Rai meeting was followed by a second meeting in Manila on 22-33 February 2014, with representatives from three additional countries Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam respectively. The meeting offered a thoughtful deliberation on the ASEAN Integration for its own prospective growth.
The third meeting in Ayutthaya on 25-27 November followed the establishment of Southeast Asian Research Repository (ARR). The workshop was organized by the ASEAN Research Council Network (ARCNet). The ARCNet workshop in Ayutthaya, Thailand, also accomplished in testing input data to the prototype of the ARR, therefore, resulting in the fourth Meeting in Manila, the Philippines on 24th June 2015 for the Memorandum of Agreement Signing Ceremony of the Four NRC Presidents of Philippians, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand to launch the ASEAN Research Repository (ARR).
However, in the continuous stream of ingenuity, a panel discussion was held on 20 August 2015, concerning the agenda “If we have ASEAN Research Repository”. Ms. Petchara Sungkhaworn, Director of Research Information and Data Center, NRCT was the host in the panel Discussion at World Ballroom, Centara Grand Hotel. The following Panelists held an informative panel discussion to promote the global research trend in open access policy and expand interest in this invaluable knowledge sharing mechanism:
Dr. Lourdes J. Cruz, Former President of the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP); talked about the National Research Councils and other similar organizations and their positive impact on ASEAN communities. She centered on activities that led to the signing of a memorandum of agreement by Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam on information sharing to provide a nucleus for an ASEAN Research Repository.
Mr. Phet Sayo, Senior Programme Officer, International Development Research Center (IDRC); was unable to arrive in Bangkok due to 17 August Bomb Blast nearby Central World, Bangkok.
Dr. Robert P. Batzinger, Director, Office of Information Technology and Communication Services, Payap University; focused mostly on the collaborations and the benefit of creating ASEAN Research Repository (ARR).
Whilst Md. Jahidul Islam, Assistant Director of Information Technology, Siam University; moderately summarized the holistic view of creating ASEAN Research Repository (ARR) by acknowledging and supporting the idea of ASEAN Research Repository (ARR) and its effective Governance. He gave an insight on the impacts of globalization and technological advancement in education sector. He also has elaborately explained the continuing possibilities of each ASEAN territory should be by distributing and utilizing resources with the support of Information Technology algorithm designed for modernization.
This particular panel discussion offered a broad understanding of ASEAN Integration and its subsequent intricacy.